Friday, 3 November 2017

Daruharidra in Ayurveda

 Berberis aristata DC
Daruharidra Plant


Berberis aristata DC.

Habitat of Daruharidra

Evergreen, shrub.

Simple leaf, oval-shaped leaves.

Yellow colored flowers.

Compound corymb inflorescence.

Fruit- berry.

Fruit of Daruharidra

Synonyms-Peetadru, Darvi, Katankateri, Pachampacha, Parnini, Peeta, Peetadaru, Peetakarna, Haridru,.Parjanya, Parjini.


Charaka : Arshoghna, Kandughna, Lekhaniya.

Sushruta : Haridradi, Mustadi,. Inkshadi.

Properües : Rasa - Tikta, Kashaya; Guna - Laghu, Ruksha; Virya - Ushna and Vipaka - Katu.

Pharmacological Actions : Kaphapittahara, Chedaniya, Rasayana, Varnya

Indications : Prameha, Kandu, Kushta, Vlsarpa, Karnaroga, Netraroga, Vrana, Shweta pradara, Kamala, Pandu, Shotha, Mukharoga.

Therapeutic Uses of Daruharidra

Jaundice: One suffering from jaundice should take in the morning cooled decoction of darvi with honey. (C.D.)

Leucorrhoea: Decoction of daruharidra mixed with honey should be taken followed by intake of rice-water. (G.N.)

Prameha: Darvi and amalaki juice mixed with honey alleviate prameha. (V.M.)

Parts Used: Root, Stem, Fruit.
Berberis aristata root
Root of Daruharidra

Preparations & Dosage : Decoction 50-100 ml;, Rasanjana 1-3 gm.; Fruit 5-10 gm.

Durvyadi taila.
Specific Formulations: Durvyadi kwatha, Durvyadi taila.

Research Studies on Daruharidra

 Berberine, an alkaloid obtained from the plant Berberis aristata, has been claimed to be effective in the treatment of certain diarrheas. The drug has been shown to inhibit the cholera toxin-induced inflammation in rats and is claimed to be useful in the treatment of Cholera (PPD. Berberine in dilution of 1 in 80,000 is toxic to Leishmania tropica, and it has been used successfully in oriental sore. It helps to expel the malaria parasites into the peripheral circulations and acts as a provocative agent in the diagnosis of malaria. (PMMT)
