Friday, 3 November 2017

Guduchi in Ayurveda


Tinospora cordifolia Willd. Miers ex Hook f. et. Thoms.

Family: Menispermaceae

Habit of Guduchi 

Perennial climber.

Simple leaf, alternate phyllotaxy.

Green & yellow colored flowers, unisexual flowers.

Racemose inflorescence.

Fruit- drupe.

Synonyms : Madhuparni, Chinnaruha, Chinnodbhava, Amruta, Vatsadani, Kundali, Jivanti, Tantrika, Somavalli, Chandrahasa, Vayastha, Mandali, Devanirmita, Vishalya, Rasayani, Chakrålakshanikå.

Gana of Guduchi

ShapeCharaka : Vayahsthapana, Dahaprashamana, Trishna nigrahana, Tn.tptighna, Stanya shodhana.

Sushruta : Guduchyadi, Patoladi, Aragwadhadi, Kakolyadi.

Properties : Rasa - Tikta, Kashaya; Guna - Guru, Snigdha; Virya Ushna and Vipåka - Madhura.

Pharmacological Actions : Tridoshahara, Rasayana, Grahi, Deepaniya, Medhya, Chakshusya.

Indications : Pandu, Kamala, Jwara, Daha, Trishna, Kushta, Prameha, Vatarakta, Krimi, Chardi, Kasa.

Therapeutic Uses of Guduchi

1. Fever: Guduchi juice alone checks vishama jwara. DeCoction of cold infusion of guduci checks fever caused by vata. (S.S.)

2; Jaundice: Paste of guduchi leaves with butter milk relieves jaundice. (B.P.)

3. Vatarakta: Decoction of guduci, eranda and vasa mixed with castor oil controls generalised vatarakta. (S.G.)

4. Vata located in heart : For this one should take guduchi and rüaricha pounded together with hot water in morning. (B.S.) 

Parts Used- Stem starch, Leaf.

Preparations & Dosage- Decoction 50-100 ml; Churna 3-6 gm; Sattwa 1-2 gm.

Specific Form ulations-Samshamani vati, Amritarista.

Research Studies on Guduchi

Oral administrations of the aqueous and alcoholic extracts of the plant caused reduction in fasting blood sugar in rabbits and rats. The bitter fractions of the aqueous extract caused in significant reduction in blood sugar level, it inhibited the adrenaline induced hyperglycemia significantly. (Gupta et al, IJNR. 55.7 : 733)

The effect of aqueous extract of Tinospora cardifolia stem caused. reduction of blood sugar in alloxan induced hyperglycemic rats and rabbits in dose of 400 mg/kg. body weight. (Raghunathan & Sharma, 1969)

 The drug has further proved to be effective as anti-rheumatic and diuretic (Sisodia & Laxminarayana 1966) as well as having anti-inflammatory properties (Rai and Gupta 1966). They have further carried out an experimental evaluation of the drug for dissolution of Urinary calculi. In 22 rats, the stone formation was induced by implanting zinc pellets into the bladder. The deposition of the secondary salts over the zing pellets was inhibited by the aqueous extracts of T. cordifolia. (I.J.p.p. 10 : 12, 2 : 21) 