Tuesday, 28 November 2017


Sala Medicinal plant
BN: Shorea robusta Gaertn.
Family: Dipterocarpaceae

Chief Characters : 

  1. Tree grows upto 30m. height. 
  2. flowers, panicle inflorescence. 
  3. Simple leaf, alternate phyllotaxy. 
  4. Fruit- indehiscent capsule. 

Synonyms : 

Salasara, Dhupavriksha, Sarja, Karsyä„ Aswakarna, Sasyasambhara. 


Charaka: Vedhana sthapana, Kashaya skandha. Sushntta : Salasaradi, Raudhradi. 

Ayurvedic Properties: 

Rasa - Kashaya, Madhura; Guna - Ruksha; Virya Sheeta and Vipaka - Katu. 

Pharmacological Actions: 

Kaphapittahara, Sthambhana, Varnya, Vrana shodhana, Vrana ropana, Swedana. 


Kushta, Kandu, Prameha, Vrana, Krimi, Asthibhagna, Bradhna, Vidradhi, Badhirya, Yoni roga, Karna roga. 

Therapeutic Uses: 

Prameha: Shala, kampillaka and mustaka (10gm. each) mixed with honey, amalaka juice and haridra should be taken. (S.S.) 

Small Pox: Sarjarasa, pounded with the juice of shigru  leaves should be applied locally. (V.D.) 

Parts Used: Bark, Rala (Gum resin), Flowers.  

Preparations & Dosage: Bark decoction 50-100m1.; Rala powder 1-3gm. 

Specific Formulations: 

Salasaradi churna, Sarjarasa malahara, Salasaradi kwatha, Atasyadi lepa.  

Bhavamishra mentions Ajakaråna or Sarjana as another variety of Shala and it is identified as Vateria indica (Dipterocarpaceae). Similarly Aswakarna is a separate plant and the plant Dipterocarpus alatus is considered as its source. 