Tuesday, 28 November 2017


Ahiphena Medicinal Plant
BN: Papaver somniferum Linn
Family: Papaveraceae

Chief Characters : 

Annual shrub grows up to 1 m height.

Oval shaped leaves.

White or red colored flowers.

Fruits - porous capsule.


Aphuka, asaphalaksheera

Gana: Upavisha (R.R.S.)

Ayurvedic Properties: 

Rasa - Tikta, Kashaya.
Guna - Inghu, Ruksha, Sukshma, Vyavayi, Vikasi.
Virya - Ushna.
Vipaka - Katu.

Pharmacological Actions : 

Kaphahara, Vatapittakara, Grahi, Madakari, Avrishya (seeds), Dhatu soshaka, Sukra stambhaka, Vajikarana.


Kasa, Atisara, Jwara, Shoola, Darunaka.

Therapeutic Uses: 

  1. Intake of 125 mg. (one ratti) of ahiphena along with goat's milk relieves diarrhea. (B.R.) 
  2. Dandruff: The seeds pounded with milk and applied destroy dandruff. (S.G.)  

Parts Used:

 Latex, Seeds, Fruit. 

Preparations & Dosage: Powder 3-5 gm.; Latex 30-125 mg. 

Specific Formulations: 

Ahiphenasava, Nidrodaya vati, Karpuradi rasa•, Akarakarabhadi taila
