Tuesday, 28 November 2017


Patha Medicinal Plant
BN: Cissampelos pariera Linn
Family: Menispermaceae

Chief Characters : 

  1. Perennial herb grows up to 6m height. 
  2. Simple leaf, alternate phyllotaxy. 
  3. Green coloured flowers. 
  4. Cyamose inflorescence - male flowers. 
  5. Racemose inflorescence - female flowers. 
  6. Fruits - drupe. 

Prächinna, Papachelika, Ambashta, Ekashthila, Rasa, Pathika, Vartiktika. 

Charaka: Jwarahara, Sandhaniya, Stanya shodhana. 

Sushruta: Mustadi, Aragwadhadi, Pippalyadi, Ambashtadi. 

Ayurveic Properties:

Rasa- Tikta; Guna - Inghu, Tikshna; Virya - Ushna and Vipaka - Katu.  

Pharmacological Acüons:

 Vatakaphahara, Balya, Vishaghna, Grahi. 


Shoola, Jwara, Chardi, Gulma, Atisara, Vrana, Kri mi, Kandu, Kushta, Hridroga, Daha,Shwasa. 

Therapeutic Uses : 

1. Fever: Juice of patha root taken in morning for three days checks fever with rigor. (V.D.) 

2. Diarrhoea: Powder of patha root should be taken with curd. (B.P.) 

3. Piles : (a) Patha combined with any one of duralabha, bilva, yavani and shunthi relieves piles. (C.S.) 

(b) Buttermilk added with patha act as carminative and relieves constipation. (AH.) Parts Used : Root, Rhimme. 

Preparations & Dosage: Decoction 50-100 ml.; Powder 1-3 gm. 

Specific Formulation: Shaddharana yoga. 
